The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My first wedding....

Wow aren't weddings great! Everybody wanted to hold me - so much fun!!

Here is one of me and daddy...what do you think of my dress?

And here is one of me and Mama

Oh, and my cousin Theo is such a cutey. He always wants to kiss me!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My trip to England...

England was a great place - everybody wants to carry you in England. I do not think I ever had to fall asleep in my bed.

Here I am with my aunty sasha

And here is one with my sister Francine

And my Mama. I hope I grow up to be as beautiful as Mama.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Windy City...

I love my milk, but always get terrible burps. And farts!

This is mummy winding me. I really like this...

What fun airplanes are!

That was so much fun. I got my own bed and everything! Poor Mummy and Daddy had to sit in these small seats - not quite sure why they could not get a bed each in the plane. Oh well...

Anyway we were on the plane for quite a long time, at least 4 bottles of milk and 4 or 5 nappy changes. But in between the milk it was so easy to sleep and so comfortable. There was a funny humming sound that just made me so sleepy...zzzzzzz

We are now in England and are at my Granny and Grandad's house - a little colder than Hong Kong but I can get used to it.

Write more soon


Sunday, August 06, 2006


So tonight I am going on something called an airplane! Not sure what it is exactly, but after we have been on it I am going to be able to see my Granny and Grandad in a place called England. Oh yes and all my cousins and aunts and uncles. I hope they are nice people.

Today Mummy and Daddy look very busy getting ready for us to go away.

There may be some gaps in my story but I will catch tell you all about the airplane and my family when I get back


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Now I know what injections are...

That nice doctor gave me a poke in the leg and it really hurt! But mummy and daddy soon made it better. I hope I do not have too many more of those things.

Anyway I forgot to tell you all that my Popo held a banquet for me last week to mark my one month birthday. Granny from the UK was also there. Here is a lovely photo of all three of us.

Thank you to everyone for coming and thank you for all the Laisee. I have some lovely new clothes now.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Growing fast...

Had a good nights sleep last night - for which my mummy and daddy are grateful I am sure!

I am feeding well and have already gained back more than the .75Kg I lost when in hospital. I have noticed that my eyes are also changing colour. When I was born they were very black and then gradually turned dark blue. This morning as I looked in the mirror I could see they were becoming a lighter blue. I think my mummy likes that...

On Friday I am going back to see the doctor for a final check up before I start my big adventure to somewhere called London. And there was also talk of that nice doctor giving me something called an injection; I hope it tastes good.

So some more pictures of my first hours ...

I think I look rather cool here...

And I particularly enjoyed my first combing...

But my first bath was a little colder than I was used to...

And here is one of me with a tired looking Daddy...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here at last...

My name is Audrey Dinah Powers and I made it safely into this troubled world on July 4 2006 at 1300hrs weighing in at 3.08Kgs. Before you ask, no I am not American but half Hong Kong Chinese and half British. There were a lot of bumps along the way, but that is all in the past.

My Chinese name is 鲍安慈 or Bao An Ci in Mandarin, and Bao On Qi in Cantonese.

Bao is my surname after my father and An Ci / On Qi means Peaceful Kindness.

I hope to live a long, happy and healthy life in a world that is free of conflict, struggle and pain

My father setup this website and this blog so that I will always have a place to write about the inevitable ups and downs of my journey through life, and to share thoughts with my family and friends about my time on this planet we all call home.

I hope you will join me on this journey...
