The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Sunday, December 31, 2006

Some more of me being cute!


Christmas is great although we had an earthquake in Taiwan which meant daddy could not put up any photos all this week. So he is putting them up now and changing the date!

Here are some more that Sander took of us. Oh I look so cute!!

Just Me

Me again!

Me and Catherine

Me and my tongue


Love ADPxxx

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Day Photos!!

Hello! This week was Christmas and it was really fun. I got lots of presents and daddy has been home the whole time so we have been playing a lot.

We have taken many pictures and video so once we have internet connection again daddy will put them all up.

Here is one of me with my sister Francine.

Me and Francine

Me and Francine

More soon


[Posted from my daddy's Treo 680]

Friday, December 15, 2006

Look at me walking...

I know daddy was helping but I really think I will be walking soon.

Look at me walking

Love to you all

Monday, December 11, 2006

I love having my photo taken!

What a great weekend - last night I went to my first party. Everybody was having such fun and laughing and everybody wanted to hold me. It made me very tired though.

So on Saturday this lovely man came to take photographs - his name is Sander.

He sent daddy and mummy a few of the photos and I really like them - better than the ones with daddy's treo! He he he...

Sander took a lot of photographs so I hope daddy can put a lot more up soon.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting bigger

Sorry there has not been too much activity here recently - Daddy busy as usual!

I learned all about Christmas this week - and got to see my first Christmas tree. Oh it looks so beautiful.

I have also started to notice a lot more very colourful things around me - oh and Emma and Mocha re so sweet now, they lick my feet and it really tickles.

Also this week I went to the doctors and had another injection - but it really did not hurt this time. And the doctor said I was getting tall really quickly and that I am very strong - I can hold myself like a 6month old and I am only 5 months!

So here are some pictures of me and mama - a little dark as taken with daddy's treo at night but I like them!

Look out for more pictures soon too as a man with a special camera is coming to visit us on Saturday to take some photos.


Friday, December 01, 2006

Listen to me cry!

At the moment my mouth is REALLY hurting and makes it difficult for me to relax.

Just before bed time daddy recorded me crying. Don't I sound funny!

Click here for MP3

Click here for WAV