The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat?

Mama and daddy took me out for Halloween tonight. I am not quite sure what it actually is but everyone was dressed up and doing funny things!

Catherine was dressed as a witch!

And I was dressed as a lady bird...

with horns...hehehehehe

And Mama and Daddy's friend came. His name was Mr. Hand..

And Keira's dad Kevin was there too

Do you think he looks like Harry Potter?


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dancing with Mama in my flowery dress....

Last night we were dancing in the bar of the hotel. It was so much fun! And I had my favourite dress on too!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Relaxing on a warm night...

It was really warm last night outside so I felt a little tired and wanted to nappy was getting really uncomfortable though. Mama and daddy say I can take it off soon as long as I start to use this funny thing called a potty. Lets see...


Walking on th beach....

Daddy took these of me and mama walking on the beach - it really felt funny on my feet. Next time I hope I am big enough to play like Catcat in the sea


Me and Unlce Wilson...

Uncle Wilson came on holiday with us too...

I think he really enjoyed it!


Relaxing by the pool...

Today it rained a little so we sat by the pool and relaxed. I think daddy enjoyed today...hehehehe

and mama thinks I look like daddy as a baby here..

What do you think Granny and Granddad?


Monday, October 15, 2007

In the pool with Mama...

Mama and daddy have been trying to teach me how to swim. I really like water but cannot sit on top of it like daddy and mama. I just seem to go to the bottom. I hope I can learn soon because the pool water does not taste as nice as my nai nai!

But the thing I like most is walking in the pool...

And this is playing with my sisters in the very hot sun
