The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Daddy's photos

Hello everyone...

Daddy has been printing some photographs at home and he thought you might like this one. He says if you click the image below it will take you to a better quality picture that you can print. I hope you like it. Daddy says I look like a little angel. hehehehehe


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Eating my rice!

Hello again. You can tell I am half Chinese as I really do like my rice. At the moment though it is just not that easy to eat without making a mess!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, I hope Santa Claus was as good to you as he was to me and my sisters!

It was a very fun and relaxed day, and Uncle Wilson also came over for Christmas Lunch.

Daddy did not take too many photographs of everyone but he said he will take some more for New Year's Day.

But here are some of me!

And me with my new toy

And with Barney - I love Barney.

And reading Noddy

I got so excited on Christmas Day that I just could not stop dribbling. Hehehehehe.

Oh and I must not forget the beautiful present I got from Granny & Grandad. A set of a spoon, knife and fork to remind me of the date I was born. I love them!

And here I am eating my favourite blueberries.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome Sophia Powers!

My new cousin Sophia Powers has just entered this world in England!! Hoooraaay!!

She was born today December 14th 2007 at 11.19am, which in Hong Kong daddy tells me is 7.19pm.

Here she is with her mummy

I can't wait to meet you. I hope it is soon!


PS Sophia has her own blog too! Click here to see it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Catherine's big day!

This morning we had to wake up very very early - catherine, daddy and mama were up long before me getting ready. Mama woke me up at 5.45am put on my clothes and then gave me my milk. Daddy then had to drive all the way to Central so we could get the ferry to Discovery Bay, which is where the race was. I slept almost all the way...hehehe.

When we got there Mama had to help Catherine get ready and resgister with her friends Fredrika and Gabriella. Their team was called "The Rocking Huskies" and here they are...

We had to wait a long time for the start but the eventually set off.



Can you see them in the picture below?

They had to do a cross country run, and then some swimming and rock climbing in the sea and then some riding on their bikes.

Here they are coming in at the end of stage 1...

And here is Catcat drinking

Then they were off again.

I was very tired during the day...

After the swimming and rock climbing they came back to get on their bikes.
Here is Catherine running in for the end of stage 2

And all together before they set off on the final bike stage.

Finally after what daddy said was about 4.5 hours we saw them running all together to the finish line!!

And then they got their medals!

It looked like so much fun. Catherine and her friends all want to do the race again next year. I hope I can do it soon.


PS Daddy said if you want some HiRes Photos please click here.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Getting ready for Catherine's big day...

Tomorrow Catherine will be taking part in her first adventure race. She will be in a team of 3 with two of her friends from school.

Mama has said that I can come and watch - yippeeee. But it is going to be cold so I have to take a hat. And just for this day mama bought me some new clothes.

I am so excited!
