The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Sunday, May 25, 2008

More in the park...

And here are some more daddy took of me...

And when it is busy Catherine is really nice and waits for the swing for me behind lots of other people so I can play on the slides


Really swinging!

Today we went to the park and I showed Mama and Daddy that I can really swing! Mama says I have really strong arms...hehehehe

And I love to slide too...

I really love the park in Sai Kung. I really wish Mama and Daddy could get me a swing and slide for home. I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish...


On the floor with Mama

When we got home everybody was playing on the floor - Mama, Daddy, Catherine, Francine and even Mocha and Emma. We all laughed so much!


Friday, May 23, 2008


Daddy just found these pictures of me on the swing last weekend too. Oh and one of me in my favourite pink dress and white hat.


Only 45 more days until we go to England! I cannot wait to see all the family.




Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bye bye to Daddy's car

Today daddy said farewell to his car. Another man is buying it because daddy says it is too small for all of us. A shame because it is very beautiful. He says he wants to get another one that is not so old as it has more space in the back. He said from the 1980s but that sounds old to me.


Anyway so we all went to sit in it for one last time.

Bye bye car!



Rearranging my bed!

Hello everyone.


This morning mama and daddy came in and saw how I had rearranged my bed. So much fun! Hehehehe.




Sunday, May 11, 2008

Out to lunch...

Two of daddy's friends Ben and Nechama are here. They are very nice and great fun.

We all went to a restaurant for lunch and then we went to the park. Really really fun!

Then we went to the park. Oh what fun!!


My cute friend!

While we were waiting for the taxi home I also found a new friend!

So pretty!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Look at all my hair!

Hello! Daddy took these just before I went for a bath. Look at all my hair.


Daddy thinks I look just like he did when he was young and says that Granny has a photograph of him standing in the living room in Thanet House looking just like this. I cannot wait to see it.


But is that bad for me, or bad for daddy because I am a girl and he is a boy? Hehehehehe…


