The Life & Times of Audrey Powers


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama, Obama, Obama...

I am very happy to see that today Mr. Obama has a new job. Daddy and Mama are very surprised that I recognize him and say his name whenever I see him on the TV and in the paper. And they were even more surprised when I asked, ‘Where is McCain?’

I hope he does only good things.




Blogger Granny said...

Hi Audrey
I too was surprised, yesterday when you were talking to Grandad and I on the phone and suddenly said "Obama, Obama where is McCain" you were obviously watching TV. We hope desperately that this new President can make it a better world for all our Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, he has a heavy burden to carry I feel sure he will do a good job. He made history by being the first ever African American to hold this job and it was wonderful to watch, we felt very privileged to witness this moment, we hope he is able to make a safer and happy world for you all
G & G xx

6:21 AM  

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